"A dog is one of the remaining reasons why some people can be persuaded to go for a walk." ~ O.A. Battista
So, far, we haven’t had a lot of rain this Winter in San Francisco. But recently, we had a few wet days. When it’s raining buckets, we sometimes skip a walk or it’s a very, very short one; but if it’s a lighter rain, and not so windy, the boys may get a full walk around the bay or the neighborhood, at the very least.
I prepared for this when we first moved up here. I bought a good rain slicker and rain boots and even a rain hat. I purchased two umbrellas – one small one for carrying in my bag and one fancy-schmancy English, wooden-handled, BIG umbrella so the whole family could get under it. Well, I figured out quickly enough that while trying to hold on to an umbrella and two 100+ pound dogs – rain or shine – it is not conducive to a pleasant walk. So, I would have to go sans umbrella. My handy rain hat would have to do.
As we ventured out into the rain, I was as dry as I could be with slicker and hat and boots; however, the boys were not. They did not seem to mind getting wet and still went about their business. They frolicked and sniffed and splashed through mud puddles as every decent dog would do.
When we got home it was a different story. Wet, long-haired, soggy, stinky dogs were entering our home and were inevitably going to park their butts on the carpet or on the couch. Not so fast!
I get the dog-towels and towel-dry them and lay down the towels on the floor or the couch. That does not stop the wet-dog-smell though. And so I looked into doggie slickers. And, of course, found them.
Here are Walter and Henry donning their new rain slickers. Don’t they look like super heroes?
Walter and Henry in their super-hero rain slickers; although their eyes also look like "Doggies of the Corn". |